how you can help
We need money for Veterinary costs, medications, pharmacy items, food, cages, r&m, etc YOUR donation would be extremely useful & gratefully acepted.

Our Goose Rescuers have been extremely busy this year with more and more geese being referred to us. It is unbelievable how many people just abandon geese they have raised as pets. There is no excuse for throwing unwanted pets away. We try to educate the public on this issue but it continues everywhere.
YOU CAN make a special donation to help with the rehoming of these beautiful darlings

Although we have put a pic of a fox here. The main help geese need is protection from bad humans. Most were pet geese.

Start a Rescue group in your area.
Don't buy products that have been made from hurting geese or tested on geese.
Dob in goose abusers!